1. The village and its residents shall promote a balanced ecology and shall protect against the degradation
of the environment.
2. Building fires in the open or in the household premises is prohibited.
3. No tree shall be allowed to be cut down without the approval of DENR and the Association.
Violations will be fined based on the following:
Fully grown trees - P 50,000.00
Medium grown trees - P 25,000.00
Newly planted trees - P 15,000.00
3. No tree shall be allowed to be cut down without the approval of DENR and the Association.
Violations will be fined based on the following:
Fully grown trees - P 50,000.00
Medium grown trees - P 25,000.00
Newly planted trees - P 15,000.00
Source: Teoville Homeowners Code of Discipline
Deed of Restrictions Rules and Regulations
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